. .personality test's result. .ü

Epicure, Entertainer, Optimist, Adventurer or Rationalizer

You want to be fascinating, fascinated, optimistic and enthusiastic. More importantly, you want to be stimulated, creative, positive and excited. You see yourself as visionary, diverse and playful. You would like others to see you as interesting, sophisticated and fun loving. Your idealized image is that you are happy and joyful.

Outgoing and spontaneous, you love anything that is new, novel or unusual. A charmed charmer, you are fascinated by people, places and ideas. Upbeat, positive and optimistic, you naturally cheer up and inspire others. Quick to laugh and make a joke, you easily entertain people. You are also easily entertained. An idealist and visionary, you strive to create a paradise on earth by sharing your vision of love, equality and freedom. A ‘jack of all trades’, you often have diverse skills and interests. You are innovative, multi-talented, creative and at home in the world of things and experiences.

Like the hummingbird that moves in a frenzied blur from flower to flower, you seek the sweet nectar of excitement, new experiences, people and travel. If life gets you down, you escape your anxiety and boredom through variety and activity. Uneasiness is kept at bay by keeping busy with interesting and diverse experiences. Seeking a positive future with unlimited possibilities, you believe that the sky is the limit. You enjoy new ideas and live in the world of your imagination where you can manifest your dreams. You have a talent for squeezing the boredom and monotony out of routine tasks, turning the mundane into the magical.

A creative spirit, you need to be free to follow your heart. Eternally young, you have the light-heartedness of a precocious child or court jester. For you, love is about giving and getting your way – if you are loved, you will be indulged. Even if you are shy, you wish to be seen as a cool, hip, trendsetter. At times, you may act superior to others – even though you may secretly fear that you are inferior to them. An equalitarian, you enjoy people from all walks of life. Rather than buck authority, you find the way around it. Using your quick wit, bright eyes and ready smile, you have a knack for avoiding and diffusing conflict.


You need self-confidence, options, patience and to be noticed by others. Also, you need to be positive and optimistic. Because you are always on the lookout for the BBD (bigger, better, deal), you need plans that are flexible and fluid. If you have open-ended plans, you can go with the flow. Flexibility gives you the option to change your mind at the last minute.You need self-confidence, options, patience and to be noticed by others. Also, you need to be positive and optimistic. Because you are always on the lookout for the BBD (bigger, better, deal), you need plans that are flexible and fluid. If you have open-ended plans, you can go with the flow. Flexibility gives you the option to change your mind at the last minute.

You avoid boredom, sadness and emotional pain. You fear limitation, feeling trapped or appearing inferior. Feeling incomplete or confined, or missing out are among your deepest fears. You avoid painful emotions because you are afraid that you will become overwhelmed if you talk about or feel them. You also avoid negative people as they can bring you down. This can lead you to avoid the present by living in a future fantasy of plans.

Your greatest strengths are your visionary abilities, to think or do things in new ways and to manifest joyful abundance. You are loving, creative and generous. Like a colorful hot air balloon that takes people above life’s troubles, you are an angel of mercy who deals out random acts of kindness to those in need. You can’t bear to see people sad or suffering, and you take it as your personal responsibility to ensure that others experience happiness, joy and fun in their lives. Because you are innovative, you can easily turn lemons into lemonade and a lemonade stand into a successful business.

Your vices are gluttony, overdoing and seeking stimulation until you collapse or become ill. In order for you to experience joy and fulfillment, it is critical that you follow through on your ideas by realizing them. If your dreams remain unmet, you can become jaded, selfish and/or greedy. As you become increasingly self-indulgent and lose your sense of commitment and follow through, you can become flaky, letting commitments slide and people down. You can also be dogmatic and overly critical of others. If you have clamped down on your excessive ways, you may judge those who are mirrors of your indulgent past.

Your attention goes to a positive future, planning, your imagination and multiple options. You can become paralyzed by options because you are afraid of missing out. You may feel like a child running down the aisles of a toy store who is fearful of choosing one toy and missing out on the rest.

Spiritual Path
Your spiritual journey is to search for right work and focused concentration. Spiritual growth will come to you when you approach life with disciplined sobriety instead of getting high on new ideas, options and plans. Like a stone skipping across a lake that sinks deeply when it comes to rest, you will do well to slow down, experience your inner depths, and focus on completion.

Freedom will exist when you accept the limitations of the present moment. Remember that envisioning something is not the same as manifesting it. True freedom comes with commitment and hard work – not from having unlimited options.


If you are the Enneagram Type 7 with the 6 Wing, you desire to be eye-catching. You see yourself as exciting, relaxed, creative, curious, bright, alive and witty.

If you are the Enneagram Type 7 with the 8 Wing, you desire to be a free spirit. You see yourself as free, passionate, loving, adventurous, strong and creative.

Famous 7s
Steve Allen, Tim Allen, Desi Arnaz, Antonio Banderas, Jack Benny, Chuck Berry, Jacqueline Bisset, Sonny Bono, Elayne Boosler, Terry Bradshaw, Kenneth Branagh, Richard Branson, Michael Caine, Joseph Campbell, Jackie Chan, Chevy Chase, Cher, Maurice Chevalier, George Clooney, Joan Collins, Francis Ford Coppola, Katie Couric, David Crosby, Tony Curtis, Hugh Downs, Michael Eisner, Douglas Fairbanks Jr., Sarah Ferguson, Errol Flynn, Peter Fonda, Malcolm Forbes, George Foreman, Bob Fosse, Matthew Fox, Michael J. Fox, Clark Gable, Ava Gardner, John Gielgud, Cary Grant, George Hamilton, Tom Hanks, Richard Harris, Goldie Hawn, Marilu Henner, Ron Howard, Lauren Hutton, Mick Jagger, Thomas Jefferson, Steve Jobs, Magic Johnson, King Juan Carlos of Spain, Michael Keaton, John F. Kennedy, Don King, Larry King, Timothy Leary, Shari Lewis, Loretta Lynn, John Madden, Ricky Martin, Meat Loaf, Dudley Moore, Eddie Murphy, Jack Nicholson, Leslie Nielsen, Peter O'Toole, Pavarotti, Regis Philbin, Brad Pitt, Vincent Price, Dennis Quaid, Anthony Quinn, Ram Dass, Lee Remick, Geraldo Rivera, Ginger Rogers, Linda Ronstadt, Charlie Rose, David Lee Roth, Rosalind Russell, Babe Ruth, Martin Scorsese, Martin Short, Sissy Spacek, Steven Spielberg, Robert Louis Stevenson, Barbra Streisand, Elizabeth Taylor, Lily Tomlin, Lana Turner, Peter Ustinov, Dick Van Dyke, Vince Vaughn, Voltaire, Eli Wallach, Betty White, Robin Williams, Duke of Windsor, Jonathan Winters, James Woods, William Wordsworth.

All content Katherine Chernick Fauvre, David W. Fauvre, Enneagram Explorations, © 1995-2007

The First Paragraph Of The President GMA's Speech In Any Occasion.

Rizal Hall, Malacañang
October 6, 2008

"Many of you may remember the last time we met as a group two years ago. But between then and now, I've met some of your principals at international fora and I get to see many of you individually during the many company events that have taken place in the industry. And I stay updated on your many successes as well as your concerns. For after all, you have made, as our two speakers have said, tremendous contributions to our economy. Thank you to the industry."

-------> President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo

SOURCE: www.macapagal.com/gma/speeches/s_6oct2008.php

CURRICULUM VITAE of Sen. Francis Pangilinan

Senator Kiko N. Pangilinan
Majority Leader

Senate of the Republic of the Philippines


Masters in Public Administration

Area of Concentration : Strategic Management

John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University

Cambridge, Massachusetts, U.S.A.

Bachelor of Laws

College of Law, University of the Philippines

Diliman, Quezon City, Philippines

Bachelor of Arts in English, Major in Comparative Literature

College of Arts and Letters, University of the Philippines

Diliman, Quezon City, Philippines

Secondary & Primary Education

La Salle Greenhills

Ortigas Avenue, Mandaluyong City


§ SENATOR, Republic of the Philippines (2001 to present)

Voted Senator to the 12th and 13th Congress of the Republic of the Philippines to serve from year 2001 to 2007.

12 January 2004 to present

Majority Leader

The youngest senator to assume the post since the restoration of Philippine Congress in 1987

12 January 2004 to present

Chairperson, Committee on Rules

Has jurisdiction on all matters relating to the rules of the senate; the calendar as well as parliamentary rules and the order and manner of transacting business and the creation of committees.

August 2001 to present

Senate Representative to the Judicial and Bar Council - a Constitutional body tasked to review and recommend appointments of justices and judges in the Philippine Judiciary

10 February 2003 to

12 January 2004

Chairperson, Committee on Education, Arts and Culture

Managed matters within the Senate jurisdiction relating to the promotion and development of the state of Education of the country and the preservation, enrichment and evolution of Filipino Arts and Culture

August 2001 to

12 January 2004

Chairperson, Committee on Justice and Human Rights

A principal in the struggle for reforms in the Philippine Judicial System and the upholding of Human Rights

August 2001 to

12 January 2004

Chairperson, Committee on Urban Planning, Housing and Resettlement

Handled matters relating to urban land reform planning, housing, resettlement and community development

August 2001 to

12 January 2004

Chairperson, Committee on Ethics and Privileges

Had jurisdiction over matters relating to the conduct, rights, privileges, safety, dignity, integrity and reputation of the Senate and its members

Some Major Legislative Accomplishments

· Sponsor and Author, RA 9227, Improving the Salary and Providing Special Benefits to Justices and Judges and other members of the Judiciary

· Sponsor and Author, RA 9285, Institutionalizing an Alternative Dispute Resolution System

· Sponsor and Author, RA 9279, Strengthening and Rationalizing the National Prosecution Service

· Sponsor and Author, RA 9293, Amending the “Philippine Teachers Professionalization Act” (Balik Turo)

· Sponsor and Author, RA 9262, Anti-Domestic Violence Bill

· Sponsor and Author, Curtailing Entertainment Media Piracy in the Philippines

· Sponsor and Author, Anti Money Laundering Act

· Author and Sponsor, The National Human Rights Consciousness Week

· Sponsor and Author, The Rent Control Law

· Author, the National Service Training Program Act (ROTC Law)

· Sponsor and Co-Author, The Citizenship Retention Act of 2003

· Co-Author, The Filipino Overseas Absentee-Voting Act

· Creation of Various Local Courts

· Creation and Conversion of Various State Universities and Colleges

§ VICE CHAIRMAN, Liberal Party of the Philippines

The second oldest Political Party in the Philippines, the Liberal Party (LP) is considered an institution of Philippines sociopolitical life.

§ CHAIRMAN, National Organizing Committee of the Liberal Party of Philippines

The Committee is responsible for the overall recruitment and expansion program of the Party and its local branches.

§ FOUNDING PRESIDENT, National Movement of Young Legislators (NMYL)

§ SENIOR PARTNER, Pangilinan Britanico Sarmiento and Franco Law Offices

(on indefinite leave)


Legal Analyst, ABS-CBN Broadcast Corporation

News and Current Affairs Department

Head, Legal Desk, ABS-CBN

Host, “Barangay Dos” TV Show

ABS-CBN Channel 2, Saturdays, 5:00 pm – 5:30 pm

Anchorperson, “Batas”, DZMM, Saturdays 4:30 pm – 6:30 pm

Anchorperson, Relos Reports with Atty. Kiko, Mondays – Fridays, 6:30 pm – 7:30 pm

Member, Adhoc and Independent Citizen’s Committee

Lecturer, Law on Sales, Agency & Credit Transactions

Department of Management

Ateneo de Manila University

Vice Chairperson

Committee on Legal Aid

National Office of the Integrated Bar of the Philippines

Collaborating Lawyer

Free Legal Assistance Group

Overall Coordinator

Hoy! Gising! Free Legal Assistance Group

Integrated Bar of the Philippines


Integrated Bar of the Philippines, QC Chapter

National Co-Chairperson

National Legal Aid Committee

Integrated Bar of the Philippines

Minority Leader

Quezon City Legislative Council, 1991 – 1992


Parliamentary Visit to the People’s Republic of China

6-11 April 2004

Asia Pacific Agenda Project Forum 2004

19-21 March 2004: Tokyo, Japan

Theme: Toward East Asian Community Building

New Challenges of Regional Cooperation and Partnership

Fourth ASEF Young Parliamentarians Meeting

17 – 20 October 2002; Venice, Italy

Theme: “Mobility and Globalisation: International Immigration and

Local Economic Development”

Representative of the Senate

President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo State Visit to the

People’s Republic of China and Hong Kong

28 October – 01 November 2001

Financial Underpinnings of Terrorism

6-8 August 2001; Washington D.C., U.S.A.

sponsored by the Bureau of Diplomatic Security, US Department of State and

Federal Bureau of Investigation, US Department of Justice


Most Outstanding Kapampangan Award for Public Service for 2002

San Fernando, Pampanga; October 2002

University Medal of Honor for Exemplary Performance in Public Service

Angeles University Foundation, Angeles City, Pampanga; March 2002

Youngest Elected City Councilor

Quezon City Council; 1988 – 1992

National President

National Movement of Young Legislators, 1991 - 1992

BANTAYOG AWARD for 1989 and 1990

The Most Outstanding Quezon City Councilor

Given by the Quezon City Press Association

Young Achiever’s Award, 1990

Young Achiever’s Foundation Incorporated

Student Regent

University of the Philippines Board of Regents, 1987

Chairperson, UP Student Council

University of the Philippines, Diliman Campus, 1986

Chairperson, College of Arts and Letters Student Council

University of the Philippines, 1985

Certificate of Recognition

Crusade Against Violence (for exemplary contributions in the field of)

Investigative Journalism and the Criminal Justice System

Brother Arthur Peter Graves Honor Society, 1977


Birthdate/ Birthplace

: 24 August 1963/ Manila

Civil Status

: Married

Spouse’s Name

: Ms. Sharon CunetaPangilinan

Daughters’ Name

: Ma. Kristina Cassandra

Simone Francesca Emmanuelle

Mariel Daniella Sophia

The World Trade Center Attack [09-11-2001]

Many Mysterious Images and Objects are Seen in the WTC Smoke
Images and Crosses
Editor's Comments
On the morning of September 11, 2001, I was working at my home office. After being informed of the first terrorist attack on the Trade Center towers I turned on the television and watched the horror unfold. I wasshocked at the unimaginable destruction, and overwhelming loss of life. It was a tragedy beyond belief.
As I watched that morning, I noticed a series of eerie faces in the billowing smoke. These images appearedto morph in the seemingly never-ending pillars of ugly black smoke. I made a mental note of these surrealapparitions, and I mentioned it to my wife. I did not discuss these sightings again. After all, I tend to seeimages in clouds. However the images I see in clouds are always pleasant images, usually animals.

In assembling the archives for this site, I viewed thousands of images and newspaper covers. Again, I noticedthe eerie faces in the still images of the smoke of the burning towers. They seemed to be present in not just one, but several of the burning tower images. Further research provided additional information and seemed to confirm what I was seeing.
I was not alone in noticing these awful faces.
Mark D. Phillips, a professional AP photographer in New York, captured an incredibly real image of an evil,devil-like face that is distinguishable on the side of the tower's exterior structure. The authenticity of thisimage has caused a bit of a stir. Our research has concluded that his image is original and not doctored.
The Associated Press and Mark Phillips have unequivocally denied any tampering or enhancement of theimage. In fact, neither AP or Phillips were aware of what the photograph appeared to reveal until the imagewas noticed by readers of US newspapers. When the photo appeared on an early Wednesday (Sept. 12)edition of the Saginaw (Michigan) Press, the phone calls began.
Further reports indicate that both CNN and ABC have also captured additional devilish images on theirtelevision videotape coverage. (See images above.)
Additional faces and images have also been identified by several others.
The images on this page are not intended to frighten. They are what they are: mostly evil images from an evilact. I, like most people in the world, are convinced that goodness will prevail over evil, and we pray that thelikes of these images will never be seen again.
In a speech to the USA on September 11th, President Bush said, "Today, our nation saw evil." He may havebeen literally correct. Later in that same speech he also said, "Tonight, I ask for your prayers for all thosewho grieve, for the children whose worlds have been shattered, for all whose sense of safety and securityhas been threatened. And I pray they will be comforted by a power greater than any of us spoken throughthe ages in Psalm 23: "Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I fear no evil foryou are with me."
Not all images below depict evil faces. Some images depict angel-like images, objects, and flying creatures.
We offer our research as an archive of the images that show something, whatever that something may be.
There are also remarkable stories of NYC firemen dropping to their knees in prayer after seeing crossesrising up from the catastrophic ruins of the WTC towers.
We begin this section with the original story of the crosses, images of one of the crosses, where the cross wasoriginally sighted, and a memorial with the NYC Fire Department. We have also included memorable crossimages from the days following the September 11th attacks.
God Bless Our Earth.

The Number 11 Mysteriously Dominates the Events ofthe September 11, 2001 Terrorist Attacks in the USA
The Number 11
Editor's Comments
The number 11 has been linked to mystery and power since ancient times. All forms of number research andstudy, including Numerology, the ancient science of Gematria, and the secret wisdom of Kabbalah, all give significant importance to 11, and 11 derivatives - 22, 33, 44, 55, 66, 77, 88, and 99.
The number 11 is considered a master number.
The first Great War, World War 1, ended on the 11th hour, of the 11th day, of the 11th month. To this day,victims and veterans are remembered at that specific time. In Tolkein's The Lord of the Rings, the number 11is described as a curious number, and reaching your 111th birthday is an event.
The USA skipped sequencenumbers on the Apollo moon missions to ensure it was Apollo 11 that landed on the moon. In ancient EgyptKing Tutankhamen's tomb had combinations of 11 in the jewelry he wore, and he had 11 oars placed on thefloor surrounding his tomb. The number 11, and particularly the number 33, have significance to Freemasons, and other secretive groups.
In addition, there have been thousands of people worldwide who have recently expressed a strong feelingtowards 11. This has been widely reported for the last 5-10 years, and is now commonly referred to asthe 11:11 experience, referring to the time of 11:11.
The overwhelming quantity of elevens, surfacing from the events, people, and places related to the 9-11-2001attacks, is remarkable. It is as if someone planned the events to occur around the number eleven. If it wasnot planned, then the coincidence of the numbers, seems even more mysterious and improbable.
We have also found an 11-year cycle in Osama bin Laden's life. The life changing events occur every 11years, when bin Laden is 11, 22, 33, and 44.
We have uncovered several patterns of elevens that have occurred before, during, and after the attacks.
The Dates
  • The date of the attack: 9/11 - 9 + 1 + 1 = 11.
  • September 11 has 9 letters and 2 numbers: 9+2=11.
  • The number 911 is the telephone number for emergencies in North America.
  • September 11th is the 254th day of the year: 2 + 5 + 4 = 11.
  • After September 11th there are 111 days left to the end of the year.
  • March 11, 2002, marked 6 months since the attack, and fell in the 11th week of 2002. On March 11, 2002, New York City lit the sky with 88 (8 x 11 = 88) powerful GE bulbs that sent light beamsinto the sky from the World Trade Center site. The next morning, on March 12, 2002, 11 FDNY firemenwere recovered from Ground Zero.
Flight AA11 & The Target
  • The first plane to hit the towers was American Airlines Flight 11
  • The Flight 11 call letters were AA11: A=1, A=1, AA=11.
  • Four of the hijackers on flight AA11 have the initials A. A. for their names: AA=11.
  • The fifth AA11 hijacker was the pilot, Mohamed Atta, 11 letters, and AA in last name.
  • Flight AA11 had 92 people on board - 9 + 2 = 11.
  • Flight AA11 had 11 crew members - 2 pilots and 9 flight attendants.
  • The target of Flight AA11 was in New York City -11 letters.
  • The State of New York was the 11th State added to the Union.
  • Manhattan Island was discovered on Sept. 11, 1609 by Henry Hudson -11 letters.
  • Trade Center is 11 letters, and Skyscrapers is 11 letters.
  • World Trade Center Towers is 22 letters - 2 x 11 =22.
  • The WTC Twin Towers - standing side by side, look like the number 11.
  • The WTC Towers are each 110-storeys high.
  • The first WTC tower hit (North Tower) collapses at 10:28 A.M. -1+2+8=11
  • The 1st Fire Unit to arrive to the WTC towers was FDNY Unit 1. Unit 1 lost 11 firemen.
  • The WTC towers collapsed to a height of 11 stories.
  • After 99 days of burning, NYC declares the WTC fires are extinguished - 9 x 11 = 99. The World Trade Center fires burn continuously for 99 days, between September 11, 2001 andDecember 19, 2001. The World Trade Center fire is the longest burning commercial fire in U.S. history.
  • On September 7, 2002, NYC Medical Examiners announced the revised officialdeath toll from the World Trade Center attacks was 2,801 - (2+8+0+1 = 11).On the morning of September 11, 2002 the names of 2,801 victims were read at a Ground ZeroCeremony. It took 2 ½ hours to read all the names.

Flight UA77 & The Target

  • The plane that hit the Pentagon was United Airlines Flight 77 -11 x 7 =77.
  • Flight 77 - 65 on board - 6 + 5 = 11.
  • The target of Flight 77 was The Pentagon - 11 Letters.
  • One of the walls of The Pentagon collapses at 10:10 A.M.

People & Places

  • According to the FBI, earlier terrorists originally planned to hijack 11 planes.
  • Thirty days after the attack, the FBI releases a Most Wanted Terrorist List with 22 names.
  • Mohammed, the prophet of the Muslim faith, died in 632 A.D. - 6+3+2=11.
  • The Taliban's Manual of Afghan Jihad (Holy War) is 11 volumes.
  • 119 is the area code to Iraq/Iran - 1 + 1 + 9 = 11.
  • The League of Arab States is comprised of 22 Arab nations - 2 x 11 = 22.
  • The suspected base of the terrorists is Afghanistan - 11 Letters.
  • Osama bin Laden's birthplace is Saudi Arabia - 11 letters.
  • Ramzi Yousef - convicted of orchestrating the 1993 WTC attack - 11 Letters.
  • The Prime Minister of Israel - Ariel Sharon - 11 Letters.
  • Deputy PM, & Minister of Foreign Affairs for Israel - Shimon Peres - 11 Letters.

Source: www.september11news.com/Mysteries2.htm